Astronomy Zone Report – June 2014

astroThe Astronomy Zone was very popular among teachers, and it was the first zone to be fully booked. Students’ questions were really focused and on-topic, as well as very specific and consistent, probably due to students being familiar with the term “astronomy”.  This was the zone with the highest activity in the CHAT section, with 18 live chats and over 7,700 lines of live chat. All the scientists in the zone were really engaged, sharing the load of questions answering and chatting in the ASK and CHAT sections between all 5 of them, as well as lots of discussion on Twitter. Zone winner Roberto decided to donate his prize money to the runner-up Sam, as he already has enough outreach funds to run his own public engagement projects.

Download the complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, STFC, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Astronomy Zone Report – June 2014