What Nuala Carson did with her prize money…

I was lucky enough to win the Earth Science Zone in June 2012. I loved taking part in ‘I’m a Scientist’, my favorite part was reading the range of questions asked by the students and trying to answer them!

After much deliberation I decided to use the £500 winnings to try and teach school children all about Antarctica. I had some great helpers in the form of Dr Alessandro Tagliabue, Dr Jonathan Lauderdale and two fellow PhD students Nicholas‎ Rogan and Matthew Donnelly who all work with me at the University of Liverpool.

Together we designed an interactive educational project that could be taken out to any school interested in learning about Antarctica. The aim was to try and teach the children some stuff, but also allow them to have some fun!

We each designed individual sections, I spoke about the exploration of Antarctica and brought along some polar clothing to let the kids try on. We also talked to them about the oceans surrounding Antarctica, Jonathon Lauderdale covered the ocean currents, Alessandro covered the food chain, Matthew taught them about sea ice and icebergs, and Nick showed them a range of instruments which oceanographers use to take measurements.

The money allowed us to buy a stock of equipment (cold weather clothing and oceanography instruments) and also paid for food and transport for my wonderful helpers!

Taking the Antarctica exhibit to students (that's not Nuala!)

Posted on February 1, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports. Comments Off on What Nuala Carson did with her prize money…