What James Chan did with his prize money…

James won the Stem Cell Research Zone in March 2011. Here’s how he spent his prize money…

First of all, huge thanks to everybody who took part in the competition – the students, teachers, other contestants and organizers!! It was an incredible experience and I learnt so much from you all.

So, what did I do with the £500 prize money? Well, as promised, I have invested in a video camera to make a video on how young scientists can make a positive impact on society and how much fun science can be. Recently, I teamed up with a clinician scientist friend of mine to make a short video on a different topic that is related to my clinical practice – caring for patients who have sustained nasty lower limb injuries. During this process, we both learnt a lot about how to make and edit videos. If you don’t mind gruesome images, you can check below. Be warned, some of the images can really make some people queasy!!

Anyway, I am now making the promised video, which will feature some of my young scientist friends. It will be light hearted and aims to inspire and stimulate. I am sorry it’s taking a bit longer than I had anticipated but hopefully, it will be worth the wait. I’ll post the video up as soon as it’s ready, so keep checking back here for any updates.

Standards for Management of Open Fractures of the Lower Limb from BAPRAS on Vimeo.

Posted on March 4, 2012 by in Winner Reports. Comments Off on What James Chan did with his prize money…