November 2013 Ireland Event Evaluation Report

IASIE report imageIn November 2013 we run Iā€™m a ScientistĀ in Ireland for the second time. We run 4 zones: two themed on Nanotechnology and Space and two general zones named Helium and Lithium with a mix of 5 scientists.

This report looks at how the event went. One of the main points of the report is our analysis of the impact that the event had on studentsā€™ perception of science. We found out that studentsā€™ interest in science and science related careers is clearly increased after taking part in Iā€™m a Scientist. We also report on teacher and scientist feedback, which was generally very positive. As one teacher said: ā€œThis event offers the opportunity to do something different; an activity that brings out new strengths and abilitiesā€. Sandra Byrne. Teacher

Download the report here.

Posted on December 19, 2013 by modangela in Evaluation Reports. Comments Off on November 2013 Ireland Event Evaluation Report