What Ian Sillet did with his prize money…

Ian won the Beryllium Zone back in June 2010. Here’s how he spent his prize money…

As a winner of the June 2010 event I had promised to honour a £50 prize offered by a fellow competitor called Daniel Mietchen for his competition which can be found here. As yet the prize is unclaimed and as I still have the money, it’s still up for grabs.

I also said I was investigating ways I could help a local school or youth group. Since then I have started helping at a local school with their after school science club. I have already donated prizes for their science fair project and have started planning for a new term with some hopefully exciting afternoons in store. The rest of the prize money will be going towards equipment and supplies for some of the things I’m planning.

Hopefully if I can win some more funds at a future event I can arrange something with another school or keep my involvement in the current one free for years to come!

Posted on January 27, 2012 by in News, Winner Reports. Comments Off on What Ian Sillet did with his prize money…