Biochemistry Zone Report – March 2016


The Biochemistry Zone was funded by the Biochemical Society, which Harriet was a member of, and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Harriet, Chris, Andy and Jessica were all members of this society. Nikki is a microbiologist and laboratory manager researching new antibiotics, Jess builds machines to help doctors hunt for diseases and Harriet designs new materials to be used to treat cancer. Andy and Chris are both lecturers at universities, Andy working in inorganic chemistry and Chris in biomaterials.

The zone had an above average amount of questions in the ASK section, where students engaged with the scientists’ individual work and research, as well as asking a variety of general science questions. Each scientist answered a very similar amount of questions in ASK.

Posted on April 13, 2016 by in 2016, RSC, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Biochemistry Zone Report – March 2016