Californium Zone Report – June 2018

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The Californium Zone was a general science zone supported by Wellcome, with six scientists from a range of fields.

  • Thomas investigates the earth beneath our feet to make sure buildings and tunnels don’t collapse, and homes don’t flood
  • Hayley works in cellular pathology, turning biopsies into slides to help diagnose a patient
  • Ella, the winner of this zone, is a first-year PhD student researching how neurons talk to each other
  • David designs and builds new CT scanners for research in dentistry
  • Alison is a PhD student researching how to utilise microalgae for biotechnology applications
  • Alex is a neurosurgeon in training, performing brain and spine surgeries

Students engaged well with the scientists’ research, with one of the most popular topics both in Ask and Chat being Ella and Alex’s work with the brain. This zone was the quietest of all June’s zones as two schools with a number of classes unfortunately had to drop out at the start of the event, and we weren’t able to replace them.


Posted on July 17, 2018 by in 2018, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Californium Zone Report – June 2018