Food Zone Report – June 2018

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The Food Zone was supported by Wellcome and involved six scientists.

  • Stephen models the environmental impact of livestock farming, and looks at the effect of food sharing on the sustainability of food systems in cities
  • Simran is a PhD student using design and technology to tackle the problem of food production and consumption in future cities
  • Paul is researching how to get the most from permanent grassland, including food production, supporting wildlife and reducing the risk of flooding
  • Mark is looking at Salmonella Typhimurium: how it responds to different conditions, its physical characteristics and the genes within the bacteria
  • Jenny is looking at the effects different types of fishing can have on the environment, helping make fish products more ‘eco-friendly’
  • Ali, the winner of the Food Zone, is a sports nutritionist who works with athletes to find out how foods can make you better at sports

In this zone there were great conversations between students and scientists about all things to do with food. The winner of the zone, Ali, attended nearly every live chat and made up over half of all chat lines from scientists.


Posted on July 17, 2018 by in 2018, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Food Zone Report – June 2018