Lawrencium Zone Report – March 2019

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The Lawrencium Zone was a general science zone supported by Wellcome. In the zone were six scientists:

  • Srinath Kasturirangan, a genetic engineer who builds Frankenstein molecules in an attempt to cure cancer.
  • Natasha Dowey, a volcanologist and geoscientist who uses knowledge of tectonic plates to understand where oil and gas can be found.
  • Nana Odom, a clinical engineer who works as a healthcare scientist in a hospital.
  • Marialuisa Crosatti, a microbiologist working as a technician in a university.
  • Gautam Kambhampati, a PhD student interested in using lasers to build a quantum computer.
  • Alexander Allen, the winner of the Lawrencium Zone, is a PhD student interested in nanoscience.
Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Lawrencium Zone Report – March 2019