Organs Zone Report – March 2019

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The Organs Zone was a themed zone for primary schools, supported by Wellcome. There were six scientists taking part in the zone:

  • Rebecca Gosling is a heart doctor trying to prevent heart attacks with computer programs.
  • Raashid Ali is a clinical scientist who works with doctors and nurses to support patients’ organs.
  • Matthew Smith, the winner of the Organs Zone, is a cancer researcher trying to understand the disease of pancreatic cancer.
  • Marie Cameron is a Lecturer, biomedical scientist and health service researcher.
  • Hanna Jeffery is a clinical scientist at the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.
  • Gareth Nye is a scientist understanding problems during pregnancy.
Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Organs Zone Report – March 2019