Yellow Zone Report – October 2020

Read the report: Yellow Zone Report – October 2020 [PDF]

The Yellow Zone ran from the 28th September – 23rd October. This Zone was the second of the I’m a Scientist: On Demand zones, which were created to allow schools to have flexibility in when, and how, they took part. The Yellow Zone was a general zone, supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

  • 32 scientists created profiles in the Zone. 27 engaged with students in live chats and Ask. 
  • Scientists from a broad range of fields and career stages took part. For example, Ranjini Swaminathan is a research science solving climate problems at the University of Reading,  Will Davison is a PhD student in Sustainable Aquaculture at the University of Exeter, and Gaby Mayorga Adame is an coastal ocean modeller at the National Oceanography Centre.
  • 65 live chats took place took place during the activity. On average, 3 researchers attended each live chat session. 
  • 187 posted questions were approved and sent to the researchers who responded with 326 answers. 
  • 875 students from 28 schools all over the UK logged into the Zone. 11 of these schools had taken part in a previous I’m a Scientist activity.
  • 212 of active students were from widening participation schools, and 317 from underserved schools.
Posted on November 12, 2020 by modem in 2020, STFC, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Yellow Zone Report – October 2020