January to July 2024 Activity Report

Download the full report [PDF]

From January to July 2024, we introduced a new, flexible format for I’m a Scientist. Teachers could choose a theme that fit their curriculum, but the discussions remained entirely student-led. This approach allowed students to explore topics that mattered most to them, resulting in richer, more focused interactions with scientists.

Here are some key achievements:

  • 9,646 students from 211 schools participated, with 89% actively engaging through chats, questions, and votes.
  • 607 chat sessions covered 38 different themes, including AI, ecology, and health, with an average of 15 students and 5 scientists per session.
  • 70% of active students were from priority schools, ensuring broader access to STEM learning.
  • 752 scientists participated, with 77 schools engaging with more than 10 different scientists, providing diverse perspectives.
  • 1,199 follow-up questions were asked by students, reflecting their curiosity and engagement.

“The flexibility of the new format allowed us to participate in discussions that were directly relevant to our curriculum,” – teacher

“I loved talking to real scientists—it made science feel more real and exciting!” – student

Our new approach was a resounding success, fostering curiosity and making science more accessible to all. Download the Report [PDF].

Posted on September 5, 2024 by modemily in Evaluation Reports, News, Project News. Comments Off on January to July 2024 Activity Report