Rhenium Zone Report – November 2015


The Rhenium Zone was a general science zone funded by the Wellcome Trust. The scientists were from a variety of backgrounds including the immune system of worms, making molecules for use in nanotechnology, promoting evidence based medicine and physical activity research, detecting radiation levels and investigating the genomes of viruses.

This zone had the highest rate of active students in November and 95% of the students who logged in used ASK, did a live chat or voted. Popular topics in the zone reflected the research of the scientists, as well as more general questions about chemistry, biology and physics. Of the scientists, David and Nicholas engaged particularly well throughout, not just in the high level of answers and live chat but also in the quality of their responses, often to questions outside of their expertise.

Posted on December 16, 2015 by in 2015, News, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Rhenium Zone Report – November 2015