Fat Zone Report – March 2016


The Fat Zone was a themed zone funded by the Wellcome Trust. Majid looks at blood vessels in obesity, Hannah is a Lecturer in Health and Exercise Physiology, Sam researches how to keep healthy as we get older with Cancer Research UK, Charlotte studies how fats stored in the liver affect our health and Richard studies the role of a hormone that can make people healthier when they eat less food.

A large amount of questions were focussed on the topic, with interest in health related topics revolving around exercise and diets, for example. There was a high percentage of active students (92%) and chats were busy and engaging. There was a below average number of students logging in compared to the rest of the zones in this event which resulted in a lower number of questions approved.

Posted on April 13, 2016 by in 2016, Zone Reports. Tagged . Comments Off on Fat Zone Report – March 2016