IAS Event

We're nearly there!

Well, I don’t know if any of you know much about software development, but it seems to be a deeply frustrating business. Basically, every change suddenly has all sorts of unforeseen effects. Or something goes wrong, all of a sudden, and no-one knows why, and then it turns out it was because there’s a comma in the wrong place. Or missing.

Posted on May 30, 2008 by in IAS Event | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on We're nearly there!

We've chosen the scientists!

This has been even harder than choosing the schools. We ended up cutting out bits of paper with everyone’s details on and moving them all around the desk, making up fantasy groups and trying to see if each group had got everything covered. I really wanted to include almost everyone, but we had to say no to some really great people. However, I think the 15 scientists we’ve picked (five for each group of students) will be fantastic – good communicators, enthusiastic, with interesting work to discuss and raising some thought-provoking issues. I would publish the details on here, but I’ve not had confirmation back from everyone yet. But I can tell you that topics covered range from studying climate change to engineering solutions for rectal incontinence. Which is really quite a range, however you look at it. Teacher packs We’re sending the teacher packs out today to participating teachers. … Continue reading

Posted on May 23, 2008 by in How Science Works, IAS Event, Science Education, Scientists | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment