Winner Reports

What Anaïs Pujol did with the prize money….

Anaïs came second in the Molecules Zone of March 2015 and was awarded the £500 after Peter Maskell found alternative funding for his project. Anaïs got straight to work making the most of this opportunity and here she fills us in on what she was able to do with the money…. I really enjoyed I’m a Scientist and, although I came second, I was fortunate to be kindly awarded the prize money by the winner, Peter. I wanted to use the money to set up an outreach activity for to inspire young children to look around them and think about science. Initially I contacted people in charge of outreach activities at Antikor, where I work, but unfortunately they didn’t have an event planned in the near future.  As people couldn’t come to me I decided to look for a place where I could go to them! One day I received an email from Science … Continue reading

Posted on January 6, 2016 by in RSCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Anaïs Pujol did with the prize money….

What Nick Wright did with his prize money…

Nick won the Extreme Size Zone in March 2014. Here he tells us how he put his £500 to use in the name of  engaging school students with astronomy… I wanted to find a way to put the prize money towards a project that provided school children with exposure to real scientific research in a fun and simple way. My original plan was to produce a series of posters that shared cutting-edge scientific ideas in astronomy with school children through simple but attractive imagery. In the end I did spend a portion of the money on this project, but I also wanted to do something more proactive that would have a longer-term impact on school children across the country. The British Science Association runs an excellent scheme called CREST Awards, whereby 11-19 year old school students complete projects that help build their scientific skills. The work for these is typically … Continue reading

Posted on November 4, 2015 by in STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Nick Wright did with his prize money…

What Carmen Denman did with her prize money…

Carmen won the Immune System Zone in March of 2015 and has already been hard at work making the most her £500. Here Carmen fills us in on what she’s been up to… Thanks to the I’m a Scientist prize money, I’ve gotten to step out of my research laboratory at the London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and talk with students and members of the public about science and science careers. During the competition, I had a blast meeting the many students online that participated in the I’m a Scientist chats, and they asked fantastic questions about infectious diseases, bacteria and vaccines. I participate in outreach to students as a STEM ambassador because not only do I want to spread the good word about bacteria and vaccines, I really want students to see research scientists as real people, rather than people always in lab coats and safety goggles. I want them … Continue reading

Posted on October 28, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Carmen Denman did with her prize money…

What Hugh Harvey did with his prize money…

Hugh Harvey of the Institute of Cancer Research won the Light Zone in March 2015. He quickly got to work and here he tells us see how made the best of his £500 prize money… I wanted to put the prize money towards buying a 3D printer for a local school, and setting up a 3D printing club for the children. This is a great opportunity to spread awareness and experience of 3D printing to school children – something which I hope will encourage them to take up science careers. A call went out to all schools who take part in STEMnet projects in Sussex for them to tell me why they deserved the 3D printer. I also got in contact with the super generous team at Ultimaker who loved the idea and offered to help part-fund the project. In fact, they were so keen to help they even offered a free one month loan … Continue reading

Posted on October 14, 2015 by in STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Hugh Harvey did with his prize money…

What Fiona McLean did with her prize money…

Fiona was the winner of the general science Promethium Zone in 2014. Over the last year she’s been hard at work on her project, funded by the £500 prize. We asked her to tell us how she’s been getting on… In June 2014 (after a lot of fast typing!) I was delighted to be told I was the winner of the Promethium Zone! I had a lot of fun engaging with so many people across the UK that I wanted to be able to do the same with whatever I spent the prize money on. So I decided to take up the challenge of making videos that anybody could watch anywhere. Making a video was quite daunting because it was something I had never done before. However, I eventually just went for it and spent the money on a high quality video set up. I then rounded up some of my friends and … Continue reading

Posted on September 23, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Fiona McLean did with her prize money…

What John Foster did with his prize money

John won the Organs Zone in March 2014. Here he tells us how he used his £500 prize money… Queen Mary University London, where I work, is home to the Centre of the Cell educational charity, “the first science education centre in the world to be located within working biomedical research laboratories”. After winning the March 2014 I’m a Scientist Get me out of here: Organs Zone I donated my prize money to support the great work Centre of the Cell do for scientific communication and outreach. Centre of the Cell is located in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets, East London. The Centre aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and healthcare professionals, get people talking about biomedical research. and widen participation with further and higher education, especially in our local community. Educational sessions are run in the Centre of the Cell’s state-of-the-art ‘Pod’ and supported by workshops, mentoring and revision programmes, … Continue reading

Posted on September 16, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What John Foster did with his prize money

What Grant Kennedy did with his prize money…

Grant was the winner of the Astronomy Zone in June 2013. We asked him for an update on how he has been using the prize money and here is what he said… My I’m a Scientist memories are of a crazy few weeks where I typed as fast as I could trying to answer myriad questions. I don’t think my keyboarding skills are any better as a result, but it was great to see so much interest in my field! I began with a vague idea of spending my winnings on a camera, and using it to take timelapse videos of the sky and what happens at some of the world’s great observatories, which I visit now and then. At some point I realised that lots of people already do this, (such as Christopher Malin), and they do a way better job than I ever could. I love photography however, … Continue reading

Posted on September 9, 2015 by in STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Grant Kennedy did with his prize money…

What Keith Siew did with his prize money

Keith won the Hormones Zone in June 2013. We asked him to tell us what he’s been up to with his £500 prize money and here is what he said… In May 2015 I was able to do outreach at the Drimnagh Castle Primary and Secondary Schools in Dublin, Ireland which I attended myself as a student. There I did 40 min workshop sessions with three groups of 6th class students (11-12 yrs) and four groups of 5th year biology/chemistry students (16-17 yrs). I used the prize money to buy reagents/small piece of single use items for the workshops (e.g. chemicals for making the tissues transparent, glucometer strips for showing blood sugars, etc). I have to say I loved it and got some great feedback and engagement with the kids. I got permission from my supervisor and brought back some research equipment for recording blood pressure to do some demos and had got some … Continue reading

Posted on September 2, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Keith Siew did with his prize money

What Ceri Brenner did with her prize money

Ceri won the Quantum Zone way back in June 2011. We caught up with her to see what she has been able to do using the £500 prize money and here is what she said… My idea for the prize money was “Plasmas in your Pocket”– to design and print a set of beautiful, intriguing and educational coasters that can be used in cafes, bars and other recreational areas to introduce the public to laser-plasmas and their applications. To draw a person in the coasters rely only on the stunning snapshots of glowing plasmas that we’ve captured during high power laser experiments at the Central Laser Facility outside Oxford. Once they’ve admired the aesthetic beauty of the image, a second layer of wonder is offered if a person reads and learns what it is that they’re looking at and the societal benefit of the research. To make this happen I partnered with Chris Hatherill, from … Continue reading

Posted on August 26, 2015 by in STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Ceri Brenner did with her prize money

What Sam Connolly did with the prize money

Sam was the runner up in the Astronomy Zone of June 2014. The zone winner, Roberto, decided to support Sam’s project with the £500, as he had secured funding for his own project from the Science and Technology Facilities Council through his STFC Public Engagement Fellowship. We asked Sam to tell us how he had made use of the prize money over the last year, and here is what he said…… I took part in the Astronomy Zone in June 2014 and it was an incredibly busy zone. With 425 students involved who asked over six hundred questions, and almost eight thousand lines of live chat over 18 different chats, we were all kept extremely busy talking about space for the whole fortnight. A huge number of brilliant questions were asked, about whether aliens existed and where they might be, how black holes and worm holes work, what dark matter is, and many other things. We were very lucky … Continue reading

Posted on August 19, 2015 by in STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sam Connolly did with the prize money

What Andrew French did with his prize money….

Andrew was the winner of the Vision Zone in June 2014. Here he tells us about the project he’s been able to do using his £500 prize… I had heard that I’m a Scientist was a fast and furious experience and boy was it! In the live chats, the questions came so fast, I thought my fingers were going to catch fire. But what a great experience too. It really felt like we were engaging with kids who hadn’t considered science interesting before. The format is great: being able to answer questions in detail in the evenings, and answering live questions (about ALL sorts of stuff!) during the lessons. With the prize money I promised I would be buying some Lego to try and help teach computer vision (what you can do with a computer and a camera). But what to build? We then came across a great website which shows you how … Continue reading

Posted on July 29, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Andrew French did with his prize money….

What Roy Adkin did with his prize money…

Roy won the Colour Zone in March 2014. We asked him to tell us all about how he’s used his £500 prize and here is what he said… Well, it has been an incredibly busy year and a half since I’m a Scientist! My research has taken up almost all of my time but I have managed to get out and about to schools to deliver a few talks on chemistry, meteorites, solar system formation, the Rosetta mission, formation of comets (making a comet from dry ice is cool – literally!) and the origins of life (the organic building blocks and where they form in space). With the money I won I have bought lots of items that I can use to model and explain what I am talking about. I have bought a piece of a Campo del Cielo iron meteorite, a tektite (a blob of terrestrial rock made molten by an … Continue reading

Posted on July 22, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Roy Adkin did with his prize money…

What Sofia Cota-Franco did with her prize money

Sofia won the Ecology Zone in November 2013. We asked her to tell us how she had been using her £500 prize and here is what she said… Being part of I’m a Scientist was both scary and a huge adventure! It seems like yesterday that questions were being fired up at the speed of light and my fingers could barely keep up with the tired keyboard and the flashing lines of the chat-room screen! I got everything from the most mind-boggling question to “do you like sloths?”, and really cracked my brain to get around the “how would you solve world hunger?”. But winning was just the beginning and the rush has continued when it came to putting the prize money to good use. The first idea was to use some of the money to visits a few schools and organize a “Marine Science Exploration Day!” to celebrate it … Continue reading

Posted on July 8, 2015 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sofia Cota-Franco did with her prize money

What Naomi Osborne did with her prize money…

Naomi won the Neodymium Zone in June 2014. Since then she’s been working hard to make good use of her £500 and she sent us this update on how it’s all going…. Last June I had the pleasure of talking to students in the Neodymium Zone over 2 weeks, answering many intuitive questions and enjoying great discussions with classes during the live chats. I was completely surprised when I was voted as the winner, and very happy! Winning £500 to spend on science communication opened up so many ways in which I could carry on engaging students in the world of microbiology. I had a few ideas of ways that I could do this, but it didn’t take me long to settle on the idea of a microbiology eBook. ‘Meet the Microbes’ started off as a fun Twitter conversation with colleagues a couple of years before and was actually made … Continue reading

Posted on July 2, 2015 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Naomi Osborne did with her prize money…

What Hannah Brotherton did with her prize money…

Hannah Brotherton won the Tin Zone in June last year. Let’s take a look at how she spent her £500 prize money… It was a fantastic and amazing opportunity to not only be a part of I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here but also lucky enough to have won it. The competition taught me how to not only engage with students about my research but how to maintain that excitement and enthusiasm along the way. This event gave me the opportunity to see how excited students are about science, which keeps my own passion and excitement for my research alive. As part of being crowned zone winner, I promised Gresham’s School that I would visit them as a small thank you for their amazing support. With my winnings I created a series of different activities regarding hearing/communication that was delivered not only at Gresham’s School but also at other schools … Continue reading

Posted on August 22, 2014 by modjosh in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Hannah Brotherton did with her prize money…

What Anna Williams did with her prize money…

Anna Williams won the Forensic Zone in June 2011, and won £500 to spend on further science engagement. Let’s take a look at how she spent her winnings… With the prize money awarded after being voted the winner in the Forensic Zone in June 2011, Dr Anna Williams designed and created resources for a “Discover Decomposition” workshop aimed at 13–18 year olds. The one-day workshop is specifically intended to allow young learners an opportunity to learn about the work of a Forensic Anthropologist, and get up close and personal with some human and animal bones. They can discover how an animal decays after death, and how information from the decaying body is used to determine post-mortem interval and contribute to the investigation of crime. The workshop gives students a chance to experience some of the sights and smells of a real crime scene, see a real dead body (animal) and become forensic investigators for a day. Anna presented … Continue reading

Posted on August 20, 2014 by modjosh in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Anna Williams did with her prize money…

What Jon Stone did with his prize money…

Jon Stone won the Technetium Zone in March 2013, and won £500 to spend on a science communication project. Jon wrote a piece about his experience and how he’s spent the £500 in an article for the EGU’s GeoQ Education magazine. We’ve summarised it here, but you can read the article in full at: Talking about I’m a Scientist, Jon says… “I wanted to have a go at the challenge of talking to young people in that situation. School kids asking questions about what you do – where else do you get that forum? The chance to answer interesting and exciting questions motivated me: they don’t ask the usual questions, but unique and wonderful things.” “The format is awesome, especially for this day and age – that’s how people are used to interacting with each other. Another thing is the excitement: because it had the competitive element, you want your work … Continue reading

Posted on June 3, 2014 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Jon Stone did with his prize money…

What Mario Ruiz did with his prize money…

Mario won the Cells Zone in June 2013, and won £500 to spend on a science communication project. Let’s take a look at where the prize money has gone. Winning I’m a Scientist last June was a complete surprise, but also a great opportunity for me and my friends at Cosy Science to make the pilot activity of our Science club idea a reality. Cosy Science is a monthly Science café in which a top scientist speaks during 30 minutes about a hot scientific topic in the friendly atmosphere of a pub. The audience, a mixture of scientists and non-scientists, are encouraged to ask questions afterwards, creating a two-ways dialogue between the speaker and the attendees. Due to their format, the Cosy Science talks are for adults only. We wanted to try and create something different for kids, and that’s why we came with the idea of the CoSci Club! … Continue reading

Posted on February 19, 2014 by modjosh in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Mario Ruiz did with his prize money…

What Jennifer Paxton did with her prize money…

Jennifer won the Health Zone in March 2013, and won £500 to spend on her own science communication project. Let’s take a look at where the prize money has gone. It seems like only yesterday that I was crowned winner of the Health Zone of I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! so I was shocked to realise that it has actually been over six months! Taking part in the event was so much fun and I’m very pleased to say that I gained a lot from it. I learned how to communicate my work and ideas to students and doing this really reminded me why I love my work and my Tissue Engineering research so much. I can honestly say that the whole event reignited my passion for science and has been such a positive experience that has lead to other exciting projects and developments in my career. … Continue reading

Posted on February 12, 2014 by modjosh in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Jennifer Paxton did with her prize money…

What Jo Watson did with her prize money…

Jo won the Cancer Zone in June 2010, here’s how she spent her winnings: I have a confession to make. Spending the I’m a Scientist prize money took way longer, and was way harder than I ever thought it would be! Since winning the money I have learnt that there is a lot more to creating teaching resources than I originally thought. I have spoken to teachers, other scientists and others about my idea of creating a teaching resource and how it could be used in schools. I have also discovered that there are people out there who are dedicated to creating teaching resources that are much better than I could make. One of the great projects I discovered is the Millennium Mathematics Project, a maths education and outreach initiative for ages 3 to 19 and the general public. They provide educational activities and materials on a range of maths … Continue reading

Posted on January 22, 2014 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Jo Watson did with her prize money…