Winner Reports

What Sean Murphy did with his prize money…

Sean won the Gallium Zone in March 2012. Where has he been spending his £500? We have been making some progress with our plans to create an interactive iBook to educate school children about regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. With the emerging importance of the field we believe that an early introduction to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will stimulate the interest of school children and motivate them to pursue a career in science and technology. With this goal in mind we are preparing an interactive iBook, providing an introduction to the field and providing an overview of the different approaches and technological advances being made in the field. With a target audience of mid to upper high school children we are aiming to create an interactive online book that can be downloaded for free, which will contain high resolution images, movies and interactive models that will stimulate the interest … Continue reading

Posted on January 15, 2014 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sean Murphy did with his prize money…

What Ben Still did with his prize money…

Ben won the Subatomic Zone in November 2011, here’s where his £500 went: Winning I’m A Scientist the first time was amazing but the second time has really put the icing on the cake! I have been telling my peers that it is the best crash course in science communication you can get with or without leaving your desk. I have used my money to fund my travel and involvement in art-science collaborations across London and most importantly the Jiggling Atoms project. Particle physics and illustration collided in the Jiggling Atoms project; the brainchild of artist Natalie Kay-Thatcher. Over six months 25 dedicated artists attended lectures and seminars about physics! They were set the task of visually interpreting aspects of the often-viewed incomprehensible world of particle physics. A series of four lectures from co-organisers Malte Oppermann and Jennifer Crouch transported the artists from everyday experience and thinking into the strange realm … Continue reading

Posted on November 6, 2013 by in News, STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Ben Still did with his prize money…

What Suze Kundu did with her prize money…

Suze won the Energy Zone in June 2011, here’s what she did with her money: With my winnings, I funded myself to go to the BIG Event in 2012. It was in York, and I met lots of like minded people, from professional science communicators to science educators. I had decided by this time to do the INSPIRE course at Imperial which is a science communication heavy PGCE for post-docs, so my trip to BIG combined with lots of encouraging words from some of the teacher-trained people at Life in Newcastle at the British Science Festival 2012 encouraged me to accept the place I was very luckily offered. Since going to BIG, I have continued to collaborate with many of the people I met there and have gone from strength to strength in terms of sharing my science! I remember a couple of days before the reception at Wellcome in … Continue reading

Posted on October 30, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Suze Kundu did with her prize money…

What Hywel Vaughan did with his prize money…

Hywel won the Boron Zone in June 2010, here’s how he spent his winnings: Taking part in I’m a Scientist was a massive learning curve for me, and made me really appreciate not just the value of communication, but also just how cool some of the work other scientists out there are doing is. It made me take another look at what I was doing, and pushed me to go and get involved in more education projects, which the fund helped me develop. One of these projects is called the Formula 1 in Schools challenge. This is where schools get to enter teams of students who design and build racers that are fired down a track at quite scary speeds! All of this is done with strict guidelines on the shape and materials of the vehicles, and all has to be accompanied with presentations, strict analysis, branding and a whole … Continue reading

Posted on October 23, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Hywel Vaughan did with his prize money…

What Sam Vinko did with his prize money…

Sam won the Electromagnetic Zone in March 2012, he tells us where his winnings went: Following my victory in the I’m a Scientist competition, I donated my prize money to support the charity Sense about Science. As the name suggests, Sense about Science is all about helping people make sense of science and evidence. They are a source of information, counter misinformation and champion research and high quality evidence. By working with scientists, policy makers, the public and the media they give people the tools to think critically about claims being made daily about what is good for our health, bad for the environment, how to improve education or anything else. Their Ask for Evidence campaign aims to hold the people who make these claims accountable. It says that if anyone wants us to vote for them, believe them or buy their products, then we, as consumers, patients, voters and citizens, … Continue reading

Posted on October 17, 2013 by in News, STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sam Vinko did with his prize money…

What Paul Higgins did with his prize money…

Paul won the Space Zone in November 2012, find out how he spent his winnings: I participated in the Space Zone of the 2012 Irish I’m A Scientist contest while finishing off my PhD. I was both surprised and elated to win it! (proof: I then defended my thesis, got married, and moved to California…whew. Finally, this summer I was granted a bit of free time to kick off my ‘dream’ project: My proposal is to build an interactive, story-driven, educational website to help bring astronomy and space concepts into the Irish class room. I managed to put together a consortium of solar scientists, teacher and outreach consultants, and web/game/graphic design developers. Using the Irish school curriculum, with the help of Irish school teachers, we are designing lessons that can be used in the class room to teach concepts such as magnetism, gravity, and the planets. The lessons … Continue reading

Posted on October 8, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Paul Higgins did with his prize money…

What Pete Etchells did with his prize money…

Pete won I’m a Scientist In the Zone in 2012, he tells us how he spent his £500: When I won I’m a Scientist: In the Zone last year, I had grandiose designs on using my winnings to set up a new website to host lots of new psychology-based videos. Unfortunately, real life got in the way – I moved house, moved job, and got married all in a very short space of time! But I do have some good news though: along with three other fantastic psychologists, I’ve set up a new Psychology-themed blog at the Guardian called Head Quarters. As part of this blog, I am going to be using my I’m a Scientist winnings to start up a new podcast there which takes a look at interesting stories about psychology that hit the news, and explain the science behind the headlines. So far I’ve bought some professional … Continue reading

Posted on October 1, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Pete Etchells did with his prize money…

What Callum Johnston did with his prize money…

Callum won the Cells Zone in November 2012, here’s where his £500 went: Having finished my research and moved onto new challenges in engaging partners in Scotland’s National Health Information Service I was unable to use my I’m a Scientist prize money myself and so I decided to donate it to Edinburgh Neuroscience. Edinburgh Neuroscience are a collective group of researchers involved in all aspects of neuroscience from the city’s 4 universities. They have a vibrant programme of public engagement activities and I was involved in several of these during my undergraduate and PhD studies. The Brain Awareness workshop we run called “How we see the brain and what the brain sees” introduces children to the basic structure of the brain and ways of imaging the brain in the clinic and in basic research. We then explore how the brain can sometimes be fooled by the visual illusions. The workshop is … Continue reading

Posted on September 24, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Callum Johnston did with his prize money…

What Jo Giles did with her prize money…

Jo won the Genes Zone in November 2012, here she tells us how she spent her winnings: Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to spend the £500 prize money! I spent £200 printing silk posters of the hi-lights from the “I’m a scientist” round in November, and I posted them out to all of the schools that took part in the Genes zone. I thought the posters would serve as a reminder of how much fun the competition was to the participants and would remind them to take part next year! I then donated the remaining £300 to Jeans for Genes, specifically for the use in Genes are us. This charity develops educational resources for schools to help educate students about genes and genetic disorders. It’s a fantastic charity, and since winning I have been in touch with Lizzy Bishop, the marketing manager of Jeans for Genes, and … Continue reading

Posted on September 17, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Jo Giles did with her prize money…

What Chandrika Nair did with her prize money…

Chandrika won the Vanadium Zone in June 2011, here’s how she spent her winnings: Since competing in I’m a Scientist, I’ve been inspired to continue involving myself in outreach activities. I used some of the prize to fund travel expenses to science festivals, fairs and events, where I volunteered at outreach stands and engaged with audiences of all ages: £50 – Transport to Big Bang Science and Engineering Fair 2012 at the NEC Birmingham. I volunteered for one day at a microbiology interactive outreach stand of the Society for General Microbiology, primarily interacting with school children and families. £10- Transport to Big Bang Science and Engineering Fair 2013 at the London ExCeL exhibition centre. I volunteered two days at a microbiology interactive outreach stand of the Society for General Microbiology, primarily interacting with families. £5 – Transport to Science Uncovered 2012, a Europe wide science outreach event including a night … Continue reading

Posted on September 10, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Chandrika Nair did with her prize money…

What Tom Crick did with his prize money…

Tom Crick won the Chromium Zone in June 2011, and won £500 to spend on a science communication project. Let’s take a look at where the prize money has gone. Being a computer scientist, Tom spent his prize money on the following equipment for teaching an introduction to programming and electronics: 1 x Parrot AR.Drone programmable quadrotor/drone – this is a flying quadcopter (a helicopter with 4 rotors) which you can programme 3 x Raspberry Pi and peripherals – a Raspberry Pi is a very small single-board computer which can be used by beginners all over the world to learn programming. 2 x Arduino starter kits – to help learn how to use Arduino, a circuit board with software that beginners can use to build electronics projects. Tom says “I’ve taken this kit into tens of schools, as well as using it for when schools visit my university — it’s been very useful!”

Posted on September 4, 2013 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Tom Crick did with his prize money…

What Lizzie Eaves did with her prize money…

Lizzie won the Materials Zone in June 2012, here’s how she spent her money: In the year since I won the Materials Zone of I’m A Scientist, things have been really busy for me and it’s often been tough for me to find time to think about science communication! However, I have managed to do a few things with my prize money: University of Manchester, Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WiSET) The promotion of science and engineering to girls is something I’m pretty passionate about, and having been involved with WiSET during my time at Manchester Uni I thought it was only fitting for them to receive some of my winnings. I donated £100 to them, in order for the society to be able to afford a coach to take a group of 50 female students from the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences to tour a local industrial … Continue reading

Posted on September 3, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Lizzie Eaves did with her prize money…

What Vicky Young did with her prize money…

Vicky won the Selenium Zone in March 2012, here’s how she made use of the £500: Taking part in I’m a Scientist was amazing fun, I had such a great time and I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. I used the money to help fund one of my science communication activities; the Egg and Sperm Race, which I launched in 2011. The Egg and Sperm Race is an activity that demonstrates how difficult it is for a sperm to reach an egg and how infections such as Chlamydia can impair your fertility. We do this by racing sperm through a giant 2-meter female reproduction tract, which has lots of obstacles along the way. The winner is the first sperm to reach the egg. We take this activity to music festivals around the UK and in 2012 we took it to Green Man Music Festival in Wales. … Continue reading

Posted on August 27, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Vicky Young did with her prize money…

What Katherine Haxton did with her prize money…

Katherine won the Germanium Zone in March 2012, here’s how she spent the £500: When I won I’m a Scientist in March 2012, my goal was to create a set of chemistry experiments that were portable so that I could escape my office once in a while and do chemistry with enthusiastic students. I’ve used the £500 from I’m a Scientist to set up three different experiments. The first looks at superabsorbent polymers, and compares three different types to work out which makes the best fake snow. These polymers are also used in nappies and to help plant pots retain water during dry spells. This is a good activity for wintertime and was take out to a Chemistry at Work day at the Potteries Museum, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent in December 2012. Superabsorbent polymers are good fun, but not really very summery – who wants to talk about snow in the middle of June? The second activity is making slime by cross-linking … Continue reading

Posted on August 20, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Katherine Haxton did with her prize money…

What Ian Van Der Linde did with his prize money…

Ian Van Der Linde won the Nickel Zone in June 2011, and won £500 to spend on a science communication project. Let’s take a look at where the prize money has gone. Ian decided to split his £500 across a number of different projects: Travel expenses to attend STEM outreach event as judge  – the Big Bang fair, Imperial War Museum & Duxford. Funding towards a Nuffield Research Placement for a school-aged student to work with us in our research labs over the summer. Buying equipment for school “taster day” activities hosted at the University.

Posted on August 18, 2013 by in Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Ian Van Der Linde did with his prize money…

What Paige Brown did with her prize money…

Paige won the Health Zone in I’m an Engineer in March 2012, she tells us how she spent her winnings: Following my I’m an Engineer win in the Health Zone, I started a science photography initiative. I spent $800 dollars on a used Canon T3i SLR camera, and started a website for my science photography at Since my original camera purchase, I used my I’m an Engineer winnings as well as personal funds to buy extra camera lenses, including a Canon 100mm Macro lens that can magnify objects up to two times their actual size. My goal was to provide inspiring and thought-provoking photography of the world at the small scale that we don’t always see up close, the scale of plants and insects. This is also known as macro photography. By using a special macro lens and other specialized equipment, I can magnify the size of tiny insects … Continue reading

Posted on August 9, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Paige Brown did with her prize money…

What Samantha Weaver did with her prize money…

Samantha won the Pathology Zone in June 2012, here’s how she spent her £500: I’ve spent the money buying science books, equipment and dressing up outfits for my children’s nursery. I got each ‘room’ a butterfly garden so they could watch and learn about caterpillars turning into butterflies – they used this in conjunction with the book ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. They now have dressing up and role play equipment to be doctors, nurses and vets and I helped them set up their role-play corner in the pre-school room to become a vet and doctor’s surgery. The rest of the money was spent buying science books – mostly from Usborne books – so they now have a science library – some of the books were ‘Things to make and do’ types which are used as ideas for group work activities – such as making elastic band powered vehicles and crystal gardens. … Continue reading

Posted on August 5, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Samantha Weaver did with her prize money…

What Sarah Martin did with her prize money…

Sarah won the Strontium Zone in June 2012, she tells us how she spent her winnings: I co-organised the residential, 1-week Astrobiology Summer Academy 2013, which brought together 10 students (15-18 years old) from schools in Shetland, 4 from Edinburgh, 1 from Leicester and two PhD students from NASA (USA) to experience university research in biology, astronomy and geology. I was responsible for the biology activity day. It kicked off with an introduction round where students picked objects from a table and discussed whether they were alive or dead, organic or inorganic (e.g. limestone, toothbrush, a flower, a lemon, ball of yarn etc), which was actually quite difficult! We then had a lecture by Lynn Rothshild, head of Synthetic Biology at NASA, before hitting the lab and the biology assault course that I devise to simulate interdisciplinary research. In 5 expert teams, the students analysed 12 mystery samples from Planet Earth and … Continue reading

Posted on July 31, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sarah Martin did with her prize money…

What David Pyle did with his prize money…

David won the Potassium Zone in March 2011, here he tells us how he spent his £500: When I won my zone of I’m A Scientist in March 2011, I had the intention of taking video cameras on volcano fieldwork, and to make either video- or podcasts of my work in the field. In early 2011, one of my field sites (Santorini volcano in Greece) was showing some early signs of unrest, so I invested in a simple video camera and three static ‘timelapse’ cameras. We managed to capture some footage of us putting out volcano monitoring equipment, but in the end the unrest died away in early 2012, without any eruption. I have some great timelapse footage of the passing seasons, but nothing that we have yet turned into a polished video. The other thing that the win did for me was to inspire my efforts in ‘online’  engagement … Continue reading

Posted on July 30, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What David Pyle did with his prize money…

What Nicola Ibberson did with her prize money…

Nicola won the Rubidium Zone in June 2012, here’s how she spent her winnings: Following my I’m A Scientist win last year, £250 was donated to Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) projects; more specifically it was spent on the STEMgirls project, a Q&A answer service connecting 11-18yr olds interested in STEM careers with the women working in those jobs. The money went towards providing the funds for an administrator to moderate and promote the site, enabling hundreds of career hunting teens to get the advice they needed about ‘real life’ day-to-day work in science. Getting advice from women working in my chosen scientific discipline was invaluable to me when I was trying to work out what I wanted to do for a career, so this project is quite close to my heart. The other £250 prize money was given to fellow I’m A Scientist participant Tiffany, who had written … Continue reading

Posted on July 29, 2013 by in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Nicola Ibberson did with her prize money…