Zone Reports

Food Science Zone Report – March 2013

At the end of each event we compile a report about each zone, containing moderator observations and our web data. This report provides a summary and some meaningful information on the zone. The Food Science Zone was very busy – there were lots of questions early on and although it did calm down, there was still a steady flow of questions coming in outside of the live chats throughout the fortnight. There was at least one live chat every day of the event. Download the report here.

Posted on April 10, 2013 by in 2013, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Food Science Zone Report – March 2013

Drug Development Zone Report – March 2013

At the end of each event we compile a report about each zone, containing moderator observations and our web data. This report provides a summary and some meaningful information on the zone. The Drug Development Zone got off to a slow start with very few live chats in the first week, however it picked up quickly during the second week and there was plenty of interaction and entertainment. Students started off asking lots of generic questions about drugs, but they soon got into it and there were some really intelligent conversations. Download the report here.

Posted on April 10, 2013 by in 2013, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Drug Development Zone Report – March 2013

Cancer Zone Report – November 2012

At the end of each event we compile a report about each zone, containing moderator observations and our web data. This report provides a summary and some meaningful information on the zone. The Cancer Zone was steadily busy throughout the event. Students asked lots of generic science questions at the beginning but as it went on they asked deeper, complex questions, often all about cancer. Live chats were really entertaining with scientists and students having a healthy mix of science and humour. Download the report here.

Posted on December 4, 2012 by admin in 2012, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Cancer Zone Report – November 2012

Cells Zone Report – November 2012

At the end of each event we compile a report about each zone, containing moderator observations and our web data. This report provides a summary and some meaningful information on the zone. The Cells Zone started off slow, with only a few questions and live chats. But it soon picked up and turned out to be a very exciting zone as students started asking lots of questions and live chats were lively. Live chats featured a range of questions on the basics of what cells are to the workings of synapses between neurons. Download the report here.

Posted on December 4, 2012 by admin in 2012, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Cells Zone Report – November 2012

Genes Zone Report – November 2012

At the end of each event we compile a report about each zone, containing moderator observations and our web data. This report provides a summary and some meaningful information on the zone. The Genes Zone was busy straight from day one, with students asking loads of questions and having intense live chats. Student questions gradually slowed down in the second week, as students started asking fewer but more complex questions. Download the report here.

Posted on December 4, 2012 by admin in 2012, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Genes Zone Report – November 2012

I'm a Scientist gets funding!

Our I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! event has been awarded a grant of £209,000 by the Wellcome Trust, so that we can roll it out nationally over the next two years. Hallelujah! Long bit of waffle about how this came to pass Long time readers will remember that we ran a pilot of the event in June 2008, funded by Wellcome. We then ran a second event in March 2009, funded by us, with assistance from Bristol University. These events went really well. As you can see from the evaluation reports, they got students really engaged with science, changed students views of science and scientists and were memorable and exciting learning opportunities. Since then we have been chasing the funding to roll the event out bigger and better and give the same great learning experience to thousands more students. It’s been a frustrating experience – so many … Continue reading

Posted on November 18, 2009 by in IAS Event | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on I'm a Scientist gets funding!

What young people think about science

I’ve been looking at research on young people’s attitudes to science. Partly to help me work out how we are going to measure any change caused by taking part in I’m a Scientist, and partly to help me understand what their attitudes are and so inform the materials we put together. One of the most interesting things I’ve found out is that according to this

Posted on February 7, 2008 by in Science Education | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment