To Scientists

I'm a Scientist LogoSelection of IAS PostcardsWe’ve put together some useful info about the event, feel free to use it in emails and newsletters, we’ve supplied both short and long versions, as well as a couple of images. If you need anything else contact Josh at or give him a ring on 01225 326892, we’re also on Twitter @imascientist.

The long version

Like X Factor for scientists!

I’m a Scientist is an X Factor style competition for scientists, where students are the judges. 5 scientists put up a profile on our website, answer questions and have live online text-based chats with school science students. Students vote and the winning scientist gets £500 to spend on more science communication.

IAS is by far the best public engagement activity I have been involved in. The set up allows everyone to have their chance to ask questions, whether they are the loudest person in the class, or the quiet curious student” – Suze Kundu, UCL

It’s a unique, fun way of developing communication skills, gaining a fresh perspective on your research, finding out what young people think about science and the role of scientists, and remembering why you love science.

“The best crash course in science communication” – Ben Still, QMUL

Everything happens on the web, so you can join in without leaving your desk. The event runs over 2 weeks in March, June & November. There will be around an hour of live text chats each day and an hour answering questions.

Apply at:

When you apply you’ll be asked to fill in a 1 sentence summary of your work – make this interesting and understandable to 13/14 year olds, as a panel of students will then select the researchers to take part.

To find out more visit: or email Josh in the I’m a Scientist team at or give her a ring on 01225 326892.

The short version

Like X Factor for scientists!

Apply now for I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! – a 2 week long online competition for scientists, where students are the judges. 5 scientists put up a profile on the website, answer questions and have live online text-based chats with school science students. Students vote and the winning scientist gets £500 to spend on science communication.

It’s a fun way of developing communication skills, gaining a fresh perspective on your research, finding out what young people think about science, and remembering why you love science.

“The best crash course in science communication” – Ben Still, QMUL

It runs in March, June & November. More info at or contact

Apply at: