Tag Archives: climate change

We've chosen the scientists!

This has been even harder than choosing the schools. We ended up cutting out bits of paper with everyoneโ€™s details on and moving them all around the desk, making up fantasy groups and trying to see if each group had got everything covered. I really wanted to include almost everyone, but we had to say no to some really great people. However, I think the 15 scientists weโ€™ve picked (five for each group of students) will be fantastic โ€“ good communicators, enthusiastic, with interesting work to discuss and raising some thought-provoking issues. I would publish the details on here, but Iโ€™ve not had confirmation back from everyone yet. But I can tell you that topics covered range from studying climate change to engineering solutions for rectal incontinence. Which is really quite a range, however you look at it. Teacher packs Weโ€™re sending the teacher packs out today to participating teachers. โ€ฆ Continue reading โ†’

Posted on May 23, 2008 by in How Science Works, IAS Event, Science Education, Scientists. Tagged , , , , , , . 1 comment