Iโm a Neuroscientist Live at the Barbican
In March and April 2013 we organised the heats and final of Iโm a NeuroScientist Live at the Barbican as part of Wonder season: Art and science on the brain.
In the first heat on Saturday 30th March the five scientists taking part were: Thomas Butts and Irene Jacobson from Kings College London, Martin Coath from the University of Plymouth, Sarah Jarvis from Imperial College London and Esha Massand from Birbeck, University of London. While on Sunday 31st the next five scientists competing were Amy Birch from Imperial College London, Jonathan Webb from the University of Oxford, Eva Feredoes from the University of Reading, Mark Horowitz from Kings College London and Catherine Loveday from the University of Westminster. We found all 10 of these participants and gave them a full briefing before the event.
Neural network modeller Sarah Jarvis from the first heat and depression researcher Mark Horowitz from heat two won the audience vote giving them each a place in the final. They were joined by Jen Todd Jones from the University of Bristol, winner of the Brain Zone in our March online event, brain collector Pascal Durrenburger from Imperial College London and Lauren Stewart who looks at the effects of music on the brain at the University of Goldsmiths in London.
These events were a great success, with each heat attracting around 150 people and the final selling out of 260 ยฃ5 tickets (approximately 218 of those who bought a ticket showed up on the night). We kept the format simple, in the heats handing out coloured voting cards to match each scientist for the audience to use to vote. During the final we took advantage of the availability of electronic voting cards to enable even greater audience participation.
The weekender heats appealed to all, with those from 1 to 80 years taking part, and no gender bias. While there were no young families at the final, due to it being a ticketed evening event with a lower age limit of 12, there was still a broad range of ages in the audience. 35% of the audience who came to the final were scientists themselves, while the rest were members of the public with an interest in science.
After the final we gathered some quick audience feedback using the electronic voting system. Hereโs what they thought of the event:
Click here to read the full evaluation for Iโm a Neuroscientist Live.
Interested in running your own Iโm a Scientist Live? Check out what weโre offering here โ Iโm a Scientist Live: The Package, then please get in touch!
Email josh@gallomanor.com or call us on 01225 326892.
Weโd love to help you to get the public thinking and talking about your science.