A year-round STEM enrichment activity 

The I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here! project is getting better.

From January 2024, teachers can decide on a theme for their I’m a Scientist activity throughout the year. No more waiting for a particular zone, they can choose their preferred subject at the time that suits them.

View the themes ❯

Their theme might be linked with their current learning, to show students how the curriculum directly relates to the real-world, or it might be a more general science topic.

Scientists whose work relates to the theme will be invited to a real-time, text-based class Chat and to answer students’ follow up questions.

As before everything happens online and is monitored by DBS-checked moderators. Participation in I’m a Scientist is fully-funded for UK state-maintained schools.

How does the new I’m a Scientist work for you? Find out more:

Teachers Scientists
Support your students’ science capital. Connect your class with a diverse range of scientists. Choose a theme to match your teaching or something general to inspire your students. We’ll find the relevant scientists.
  1. Encourage students to read the scientists’ profiles
  2. Book a live Chat at a time that suits you
  3. Students can send follow-up questions to scientists within their theme through Ask
  4. Every student gets to Vote for their favourite scientist to be named winner and receive £500
  5. Embed their learning with a five-minute reflection exercise
Take part with your students ❯

Inspire the next generation of scientists. Show school students an authentic picture of what it is like to be a scientist.
  1. Sign up: Tell us about your role and the themes of your work 
  2. Fill out your Profile for students to view ahead of your Chat 
  3. Connect with classes from all over the UK in live, text-based 30 minute Chats
  4. After the Chat, answer students’ follow-up questions
  5. Compete against your fellow scientists to be voted by students the winner and receive £500
Scientists, find out more ❯
Help us to help school students see STEM as something for them.

The I’m a Scientist project works. It supports school students’ science capital. It engages students that are often left underserved. It supports Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in science and research.

I’m a Scientist also improves the skills and motivation of scientists to do more public engagement. It is a chance for your staff or members to develop their engagement skills through an effective, efficient and high-quality public engagement programme.

Supporting I’m a Scientist is now easier than ever. Organisations can guarantee spaces for participants at a range of budget levels and on a time scale to suit them.

Find out more about supporting ❯
Posted on September 28, 2023 by modemily in News, Project News. Comments Off on A year-round STEM enrichment activity