Hassium Zone Report – June 2019

Read the report: Hassium Zone Report – June 2019 [PDF]

The Hassium Zone was a general zone supported by Wellcome and featured six scientists:

  • Helen Faulkner tests drugs to be sure that they are safe for patients to take.
  • Farah Elahi is completing a PhD looking at how virtual reality can improve young people’s mental health.
  • Dave Underhill, the winner of this zone, is an archaeologist who runs projects aimed at increasing public understanding of mining and quarrying industries.
  • Cheryl Williams analyses specimens from patients to help doctors with diagnosis.
  • Bastian Saputra is researching how to modify bacteria to make them glow in the presence of soil pollution.
  • Alun Owen is an Environmental Chemistry Technician who also teaches chemistry at university.
Posted on July 15, 2019 by modjosh in 2019, Zone Reports. Tagged . 1 comment

One Response to Hassium Zone Report – June 2019

  1. Cheryl Williams says:

    Wow these reports are really interesting and has brought home to me how much impact my contribution to I’m A Scientist made. I’m so glad I was chosen to take part.

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