Rewarding engagement experiences for scientists

Online public engagement helps bridge the divide between institutions and schoolsā€“ and itā€™s not only school students who benefit.

Taking part in I’m a Scientist/Engineer can boost engagement, improve communication skills, and build a deeper understanding of effective engagement for researchers.

Institutions can guarantee places for their researchers in I’m a Scientist/Engineer and the Academy online course, building capacity and quality of engagement.
Find out more about the Academy Training Package 
To get an estimate for something more tailored, contact or call 01225 326 892.

Boost researcherā€™s engagement

ā€œI didnā€™t really know much about public engagement before taking partā€¦ Iā€™m a Scientist really inspired me to get involved with more!
Suzi, PhD researcher

IAS is a low pressure space for researchers to ā€˜dip their toesā€™ into public engagement. Seeing studentsā€™ enthusiasm for their work gives researchers the confidence and motivation to do more outreach.

Those with less previous experience increase their public engagement activities by 130% in the year following IAS.

Improve communication skills

ā€œThe whole thing was very two-wayā€¦ Some of the analogies I totally plagiarised from the students!
Max, PhD researcher

From day one, Iā€™m a Scientist is effective experiential training for scientists in engaging the public. Researchers get to hone phrases over two weeks, helped by honest student feedback.

94% of ECRā€™s surveyed said taking part had improved their communication skills.

Build capacity for high quality engagement

ā€œIAS Academy gave me more perspective on exactly why I wanted to take part and gave me points to consider when planning future activities.
Savannah, PhD researcher

IAS Academy is a short online course for researchers to take alongside participation in Iā€™m a Scientist/Engineer. Based on the NCCPE Engage Framework, it helps researchers understand the fundamentals of quality public engagement and Science Capital concepts at the same time as engaging students.

Supported by a science communication lecturer, researchers answer questions getting them to think about important principles such as purpose, audience needs and appropriate engagement methods.

Reach audiences in most need

ā€œAs we donā€™t have a major university very near us, students wouldnā€™t get this chance otherwise

Online engagement allows your institution to engage school students who might otherwise miss out on STEM enrichment.

Schools more than 30 minutes drive from a research intensive Higher Education Institution are half as likely to get a visit from a university researcher as those within 15 minutes drive.

Case Studies from the people who’ve taken part:

Get your researchers involved

Thereā€™s a long list of scientists wanting to take part in IAS, but only a limited number of places each activity.

Email, or call 01225 667922, to discuss funding to create space for your researchers in Iā€™m a Scientist and the Academy online course.