Zone Reports

Tantalum Zone Report – November 2015

READ THE FULL REPORT The Tantalum Zone was a general science zone funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. Four of the scientists, Monique, Carsten, Ashley and Bernard were connected to this organisation, either as users of its facilities and data, or funded by its grants. The scientists varied backgrounds included building particle accelerators, firing lasers at proteins, modelling galaxy clusters, developing plant-based biotechnology and improving the safety of steel. This was the busiest of the November zones in terms of questions from students, and over 1200 were submitted. The popular topics in the zone reflected the research of the scientists, and many were physics related, ranging across subjects from sub atomic to galactic scales. Notably, Monique contributed nearly 40% of the answers, whilst zone winner Ashley was the most active in live chats.

Posted on December 16, 2015 by in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Tantalum Zone Report – November 2015

Tungsten Zone Report – November 2015

READ THE FULL REPORT The Tungsten Zone was a general science zone for primary schools, funded by the Wellcome Trust. It featured five scientists from different backgrounds, between them covering the immune system, how the climate affects marine life, the brain cells of mice, the structure of metals and bone development. The students were interested in all these areas and other popular topics were space, animals, dinosaurs, the human body, and personal questions about being a scientist. The scientists in this zone put a lot of effort in to engaging with the students in both ASK and live chats. It was notable that a majority of the chats were attended by 3 or 4 scientists and there was a good team atmosphere throughout the zone.

Posted on December 16, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Tagged | Comments Off on Tungsten Zone Report – November 2015

Colour Zone Report – June 2015

The Colour Zone was a primary school zone funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). The theme of the Zone was colour chemistry and Lynn, Kevin, Jade and Andrew were members of the RSC. Despite being one of the zones with fewer students in June 2015, the ASK section of the Zone was especially busy, with above average levels of both questions asked (1160) and comments left (72). Students asked questions about colour and the research of the scientists, but also about broader general science topics such as space and the brain. There were also a number of questions asking about the scientists’ personal lives and opinions. Some of the live chats were led by the teacher taking questions from the class, meaning they were less lively, but very focused and on-task. The winning scientist, Jess, put a lot of effort into engaging with the students in ASK and … Continue reading

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, RSC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Colour Zone Report – June 2015

Electromagnetic Zone Report – June 2015

The Electromagnetic Zone was funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and involved four scientists, Miranda, James, Freya and Daniel, whose work was supported by the research council. The research of the scientists encompassed a wide range of uses for the electromagnetic spectrum, from treating cancer to encrypting data. As such, questions in the Zone related to many different areas of physics. Although the zone had fewer questions than most of the zones in June, the live chats were the busiest of all the zones and the attending scientists did well to engage with sometimes challenging classes. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Electromagnetic Zone Report – June 2015

Extreme Force Zone Report – June 2015

The Extreme Force Zone was a themed zone funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). It involved five scientists whose work was supported by the STFC and was related to the fundamental forces of nature in extreme situations. The topics discussed in the Zone were focused around physics and related strongly to the research carried out by each scientist. It was the one of the busiest June zones and both ASK questions (550 approved) and the live chats were extremely busy. This high level of engagement from the students was matched by most of the scientists in a competitive zone. For example, Steven, Lidunka, and Jillian each answered between 200 and 300 questions each and the scientists evicted early in the competition continued to attend the live chats. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Extreme Force Zone Report – June 2015

Health Zone Report – June 2015

The Health Zone was a themed zone funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Biochemical Society. The scientists involved were working in a range of different health areas including heart attacks, drug delivery, cancer cells, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and respiratory illnesses. The Zone was very busy in ASK, and well over a 1000 questions were submitted during the event. Students asked questions about a wide range of health topics, human biology, the research of the scientists, and about science as a career. The majority of the scientists engaged well with the Zone and in particular the winner, Andy, attended nearly every live chat, contributing nearly half of the total lines. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Health Zone Report – June 2015

Hormones Zone Report – June 2015

The Hormones Zone was a themed zone part-funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Society for Endocrinology and four of the participating scientists (Saffron, Partha, Craig and Amy) were members of the Society. The zone was very focused on its theme and there was a relatively high number of answers from the scientists (816), resulting in each question receiving two answers on average. Popular topics in the zone were sperm, muscle and diabetes. It was notable that Laura attended all but one live chat, sometimes as the only scientist present, and she dealt very well with some very busy situations. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Hormones Zone Report – June 2015

Pharmacology Zone Report – June 2015

The Pharmacology Zone was a themed zone part funded by the Wellcome Trust and the British Pharmacological Society, and the five scientists participating were members of the Society. It was a sixth form only zone and had the lowest number of registered students of the June Zones, but the highest number of schools (16). The questions in the Zone were focused around pharmacology, chemistry and careers. The live chats in the Zone were calmer than a typical zone and during these Laura, Richard and Vedia in particular engaged very well with the students. Overall, there was a high level of productive conversation in the Zone on the theme of pharmacology and scientific research in general. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Pharmacology Zone Report – June 2015

Polymers Zone Report – June 2015

The Polymers Zone was a themed zone funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and Thomas, Ruhina, Rose and Anne were themselves members of the RSC. It was one of the quieter June zones and questions from students were a mix of those on polymers and broader aspects of chemistry. The scientists were relatively equal in the number of questions they answered in ASK, whilst in the live chats Thomas, the zone winner, was the most active. The live chats varied in their pace and focus on the subject, with some being fast-paced and on-topic, whilst others were calmer or focused more on the students finding out about the personalities of the scientists. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Polymers Zone Report – June 2015

Hafnium Zone Report – June 2015

The Hafnium Zone was a general science zone funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). The Zone involved five scientists whose work was supported by the STFC, covering areas from neutrinos, to neuroscience, to computer programming to lasers. Question topics in the zone were very varied, reflecting the diverse research areas of the scientists. It was the busiest of the June zones (521 active students) and consequently had the most questions approved (563) and the most live chats of any zone (23). The scientists worked hard to match this high level of engagement, with nearly every live chat attended by at least 3 scientists. The personalities and good humour of all the scientists were evident throughout the event, in both live chats and ASK. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Hafnium Zone Report – June 2015

Lutetium Zone Report – June 2015

The Lutetium Zone was a general science zone comprising of five scientists working in a variety of fields from big data about theatre audiences to hydrogen production, to respiratory disease. This zone was one of the largest in June involving 446 active students who had nearly 500 questions answered on a very diverse range of topics, both related and unrelated to the scientists’ work. The scientists did well to match the enthusiasm of the students with the final two, Jonny and Paul, both answering over 250 questions each. The scientists also did well to connect with individual students in the fast-paced live chats, even when facing a high volume of questions. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Lutetium Zone Report – June 2015

Thulium Zone Report – June 2015

The Thulium Zone was a general science zone for primary school classes. It featured scientists from a wide range of backgrounds, covering astrophysics, influenza viruses, cleaner energy, neuroscience and genetics. The students asked questions about all these subjects, and more, in what was a consistently busy primary zone with well above average levels of questions (nearly 1000) and energetic live chats. Ryan, who won the zone, missed only one live chat and contributed over half of the total amount of lines written by scientists. The other scientists were also dedicated throughout the event, for example Claire took part in live chats whilst at Glastonbury music festival. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Thulium Zone Report – June 2015

Ytterbium Zone Report – June 2015

The Ytterbium Zone was a general science zone funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry. At least five members of the Royal Society of Chemistry take part in different general science zones throughout the year. In these zones the participating scientists come from a variety of backgrounds. For instance, in the Ytterbium Zone there were scientists spanning linguistics, bacterial proteins, parasitology, supercomputing and radioactive waste disposal. This wide range of subjects gave the students a chance to ask questions across many areas of science. The scientists in this zone were notable for excellent attendance in live chats, with the majority of chats involving 3 or more scientists. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Ytterbium Zone Report – June 2015

Agriculture Zone Report – June 2014

The Agriculture Zone winner, Jennifer Stephens, stands out as really engaging with the students. She gave nearly half of the answers in the zone, and two thirds of all the live chat from the scientists. The students were particularly interested in genetically modified organisms (GMO), particularly whether it’s safe to eat genetically modified plants.   Download the complete report here.  

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Agriculture Zone Report – June 2014

Animal Behaviour Zone Report – June 2014

The students in the Animal Behaviour Zone asked a lot of factual questions about animals, and the topic of animal testing was also brought up on several occasions. The scientists in this zone were all very engaged (they shared answering questions nearly evenly between all 5 of them) and were particularly good at answering questions as soon as they were approved. Interestingly, the focus of this zone was more in the CHAT section rather than in ASK, whereas previous Animal Behaviour Zones attracted many more ASK questions from students. Download complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Animal Behaviour Zone Report – June 2014

Astronomy Zone Report – June 2014

The Astronomy Zone was very popular among teachers, and it was the first zone to be fully booked. Students’ questions were really focused and on-topic, as well as very specific and consistent, probably due to students being familiar with the term “astronomy”.  This was the zone with the highest activity in the CHAT section, with 18 live chats and over 7,700 lines of live chat. All the scientists in the zone were really engaged, sharing the load of questions answering and chatting in the ASK and CHAT sections between all 5 of them, as well as lots of discussion on Twitter. Zone winner Roberto decided to donate his prize money to the runner-up Sam, as he already has enough outreach funds to run his own public engagement projects. Download the complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Astronomy Zone Report – June 2014

Barium Zone Report – June 2014

The Barium Zone was a primary school zone. This zone had few registered students, and lower student activity than average. After visiting certain primary schools during the event, we have seen how the dynamics of the event change slightly from what we have observed in secondary schools. This might partially explain the lower activity registered in some of the primary school zones, as some teachers would register students in groups rather than individually, or run the whole activity with just their teacher account. The Barium Zone winner, Ekbal, stands out as really engaging with the students, contributing over half of all the live chat activity from the scientists Download the complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Barium Zone Report – June 2014

Bioinformatics Zone Report – June 2014

The Bioinformatics Zone was lively, with over 800 questions asked and busy live chats, even though only 5 schools registered students in the zone. All the scientists were good at answering ASK questions quickly, and Sergey, Claire, and Ian were particularly good at live chats, covering most of them. The students in this zone seemed to understand the scientists’ research better than in previous Big Data themed zones, and asked each scientist about them: they asked Sergey about programming, Ian about how genes work in the brain and Claire about genetic mutations. Download the complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Bioinformatics Zone Report – June 2014

Diamond Zone Report – June 2014

The Diamond Zone was funded by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council and featured scientists working at Diamond Light Source, using it for their research or using data collected at Diamond. This zone was extremely busy with the largest number of students registered during this event: 524 students, of whom 82% asked questions, took part in a chat, commented, or voted for a scientist. The chats were always buzzing with a broad range of questions, reflecting the different work of the scientists. The ASK section was also very busy, but scientists kept up with the questions at all times, giving over 1,000 answers between them! Students in the zone were really keen to know more about the scientists’ work, as shown by the questions’ keywords below. Download the complete report here.

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Diamond Zone Report – June 2014

Drug Development Zone Report – June 2014

The Drug Development Zone had a low number of registered students, given that only 3 schools out of the 8 schools given classes in the zone bought their students online. Nevertheless, the percentage of active students was higher than average – 87% of students asked a question, chatted, commented or voted for their favourite scientist. This kept the zone lively with high quality on-topic questions. Download the complete report here.  

Posted on July 16, 2014 by modangela in 2014, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Drug Development Zone Report – June 2014