
What Ali Hill did with her prize money…

Photo:Ali was voted the winner of the Food Zone in June 2018. She writes about how she spent her Ā£500 prize money to help teach people about nutrition.

I spent the prize money on creating a series of resources to help explain nutrition science, and get people talking about what’s in their food. I bought some knives that are safe for under 18s to use in the kitchen, and regularly use these for cooking classes.

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Posted on July 9, 2021 by in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Ali Hill did with her prize money…

What Lyn Lim did with her prize money…

Lyn was voted the winner of the Disease Zone in March 2019. She writes about the process of using her Ā£500 prize money to try to create a video game 

For as long as I can remember, I have been frustrated that learning science still largely involves memorising dry words and static pictures. My dearest wish, as a student, was for there to be a fun, interactive way for me to assign meaning to the jargon, and see how individual concepts related to one another. So I didnā€™t hesitate to propose writing a science education computer game when I participated in Iā€™m a Scientist, Get Me Out Of Here!

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Posted on October 23, 2019 by modemily in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Lyn Lim did with her prize money…

What RĆ©ka Nagy did with her prize moneyā€¦

RĆ©ka was voted the winner of the Radon Zone in November 2016. Here she writes about using her Ā£500 prize money to develop a card game called ‘Niche: Master of Adaptation’.

I am a geneticist by day, and a gamer by night. I decided to combine these interests to develop a card game that is fun to play, nice to look at, and sneaks a tiny bit of science in as well. So, ā€˜Niche: Master of Adaptationā€™ was born. Continue reading

Posted on September 4, 2019 by modemily in News, WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What RĆ©ka Nagy did with her prize moneyā€¦

What Daniel Marsh did with his prize money…

Daniel was voted the winner of the Healthy Cities Zone in June 2018. Here he writes about how he used his Ā£500 prize money to teach school students and members of the public about pollution.

Following my experience with I’m A Scientist I was keen to do something with the prize money that would directly engage with school children to raise awareness of air pollution and the risks of exposure with an experience in which they could truly visualise it. Continue reading

Posted on August 27, 2019 by modemily in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Daniel Marsh did with his prize money…

What Oli Wilson did with his prize money…

Oli was voted the winner of the Neptunium Zone in November 2017. Here he writes about how he used his Ā£500 prize money to create a set of 3D printed pollen grain models to allow people a close-up look at pollen without a microscope.

Before I started my PhD I was a science teacher. After school finished one day, I sat in my lab and thought about the research I knew I would be starting soon. If I were to come back to my school as a full-on scientist, could I make my work seem interesting to my old students? My science is all about uncovering the past and future of one of Brazilā€™s coolest forests, and a big part of it involves using fossil pollen as microscopic time machines. Pollenā€™s amazing stuff, itā€™s beautiful and unbelievably tough, but itā€™s hard to enjoy without decent microscopes ā€“ something that can be tricky to get in schools. Continue reading

Posted on August 14, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Oli Wilson did with his prize money…

What Natasha Myhill did with her prize money…

Natasha was voted the winner of the Cells Zone in November 2017. Here she writes about how she used her Ā£500 prize money to attend public engagement events and help train other researchers to get involved.

Competing in Iā€™m a Scientist was my first experience of public engagement and it got me completely hooked! Since then, I have taken part in over 10 different activities, run training events and presentations about public engagement and lead a committee of public engagement representatives. My experience in the competition really helped to develop my communication skills, as well as the enthusiasm to talk to others about my work. Continue reading

Posted on August 14, 2019 by admin in News, WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Natasha Myhill did with her prize money…

What Kelly Rushton did with her prize money…

Kelly was voted the winner of the Fermium Zone in November 2018. Here she writes about how she used her Ā£500 prize money to introduce GCSE students to the benefits of animals to mental health, as well as how to conduct qualitative psychology research.

The event was one I initially planned way back before taking part in I’m A Scientist, and was an interactive workshop/engagement session with 54 Year 10 pupils about the importance of animals for mental health and wellbeing. We had three rooms which pupils rotated around in which they met a group of therapy animals from a charity (rabbits, guinea pigs, a skinny pig and an amazing dog called Tyler) and heard about the work the charity does. Continue reading

Posted on August 7, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Kelly Rushton did with her prize money…

What Isabel Webb did with her prize money…

Winning scientist - I'm a Scientist March 2014Isabel was voted the winner of the Plants Zone in March 2014. Here she writes about how she used her Ā£500 prize money for two different projects to inspire students about plant science.

My money was split between two purposes. The first was to aid the travel of students from rural Norfolk (and East Anglia) to attend the Year 10 Science Camp at the John Innes Centre. This science camp gives GCSE students the chance to experience life as a scientist. Continue reading

Posted on August 7, 2019 by admin in News, WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Isabel Webb did with her prize money…

What Suzi Gage did with her prize money…

Suzi Gage won the Brain Zone in June 2011, when she was a PhD student at the University of Bristol. Suzi wanted to put her prize money towards starting a podcast that explained the science of substance use. ā€œHopefully, it will help teenagers to understand the effects of recreational drugs, and tease out the truth about the risks from the confusing message sometimes presented in the media.ā€

ā€œI think it would be good for kids to be able to find out about drugs from the scientists who are researching them,ā€ said Suzi on her profile in 2011. ā€œWhat do you think of this idea? Iā€™d love to hear your ideas too, this is just to get the ball rolling!ā€ Continue reading

Posted on July 31, 2019 by in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Tagged , | Comments Off on What Suzi Gage did with her prize money…

What Sam Ellis did with his prize money…

Sam was voted the winner of the Sustaining Health Zone in March 2015. Here he writes about how the two organisations he decided to donate his Ā£500 prize money to will benefit from it.

I was lucky enough to win the Sustaining Health Zone in March 2015. Fortunately, the research institute where I work already has an excellent range of outreach opportunities, which I continue to enjoy participating in (when I can find time to escape the lab!). Therefore, I decided to use the money to support a pair of organisations helping students in less fortunate areas of the world. Continue reading

Posted on July 31, 2019 by in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sam Ellis did with his prize money…

What Ross King did with his prize moneyā€¦

Ross was voted the winner of theĀ Tungsten ZoneĀ in November 2015. Here he writes about using his Ā£500 prize money on runningĀ an interactive exhibit about the cardiovascular system.

If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply

I ran an interactive exhibit showcasing how the cardiovascular system can rapidly and unconsciously change in response to the world going on around us. This showed the subtle and unique relationship the brain has with the rest of the body, demonstrating that our hearts and blood vessels quickly adapt not only in the face of exercise and physical stress, but to our emotions and thought processes too. Volunteers were attached to a monitoring device and were given a series of challenges, whilst they watched their cardiovascular systems change in real time before their own eyes. Continue reading

Posted on July 24, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Ross King did with his prize moneyā€¦

What Samuel Vennin did with his prize money…

A year ago, I was lucky enough to be voted the winner of the Heart Zone by school children who participated to the sessions. I won Ā£500 I had to spend on STEM outreach activities and report below on the activities they have helped funding.

I have been a Project Manager for Native Scientist for a year and a half now, and a participant of their workshops for more than 5 years. Native Scientist sends scientists to bilingual schools attended by migrant children to promote STEM subjects and empowerment through science. The workshops last about 1 hours and a half and are run on a speed-dating format where scientists spend about 15 minutes with a group of children before rotating to another group. Half of the money from the I’m A Scientist prize entirely funded 4 workshops in May 2019 that took place in a French school located in London. In total, 102 children aged between 7 and 10 years old have been exposed to a wide range of topics from cancerous cells to brain diseases to artificial intelligence and 84 reported having learnt ā€œa lotā€. Continue reading

Posted on July 24, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Samuel Vennin did with his prize money…

What Matt Lee did with his prize money…

Matt was voted the winner of the Actinium Zone in June 2017.Ā Here he writes about how he used his Ā£500 prize money to produce a sci-art exhibition. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply My favourite thing about science is the creativity behind it. I try to explore this creativity in all of the public engagement and outreach work I do when talking about science. I used the Ā£500 to put on an exhibition of science art in Bristol for 2 weeks in May 2018, Creative Reactions Bristol. We had 35 scientists and 35 artists work together to produce pieces of art that explored the scientists’ research. We had over 2,000 people explore the exhibition and talk to scientists and artists involved. I am continuing with the science art exhibition and … Continue reading

Posted on April 24, 2019 by modemily in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Matt Lee did with his prize money…

What Liam Taylor did with his prize money…

Liam was voted the winner of the Sustainability Zone in November 2018.Ā Here he writes about how he used his Ā£500 prize money to develop a session for children and students to learn about climate change using VR headsets. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply I used the prize money to purchase virtual reality headsets to develop an outreach session with the University of Leeds. Whenever I taught the science or solutions of climate change, I was frequently told by children that they couldnā€™t visualise environments that are on the other side of the world, let alone how they are changing. So, I bought an array of Oculus headsets so that children can immerse themselves in coral reefs, stand on top of glaciers, or shake hands with great primates in the … Continue reading

Posted on March 27, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Liam Taylor did with his prize money…

What Stephanie Mann did with her prize money…

Stephanie was voted the winner of the Climate Zone in March 2018.Ā Here she writes about how she has used her Ā£500 prize money to buy filming equipment and software to start up a science YouTube channel. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply I have started a YouTube channel called Science with Steph. I have been a consumer of online video for a long time and know a few small creators, and so I decided to take the plunge and start a channel myself! It has been hard work (growing a channel from scratch these days can be very slow going), but very enjoyable. I have learnt many skills such as producing, editing and filming videos. I have also learned how to talk about quite tricky subjects in a simple way. … Continue reading

Posted on March 6, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Stephanie Mann did with her prize money…

What Sophie Williams did with her prize money…

Sophie was voted the winner of the Americium Zone in March 2018. Here she writes about how her Ā£500 prize money is being used to make materials such as 3D fossils to teach children about palaeontology. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply I decided to donate the money to the Scarborough Museums Trust, specifically to the Rotunda Museum who run both free and paid science workshops for primary and secondary school children. I wanted to donate to the museum because they are a small establishment who do not receive the same sort of funding as some of the larger museums. Furthermore, it is also the local museum in the town in which I grew up, so I thought it would be nice to give something back to the school communities … Continue reading

Posted on February 27, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sophie Williams did with her prize money…

What Elliot Jokl did with his prize money

Elliot was voted the winner of the Bismuth Zone in June 2016. Here he writes about using the Ā£500 prize money to bring students from across Yorkshire to carry out DNA analysis in labs at the University of York.Ā  If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply We used the money to purchase consumables (DNA, reagents, disposable tips etc.) to allow groups of pupils from schools in North, West and East Yorkshire to spend a day at the University of York carrying out DNA fingerprinting. Pupils were presented with a sample of DNA from a “Crime Scene” and asked to match this sample to one of 5 suspects. The money allowed over 200 pupils the chance to experience carrying out practical work that they would not have otherwise been able to do … Continue reading

Posted on February 6, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Elliot Jokl did with his prize money

What Senga Robertson did with her prize money…

Senga was voted the winner of the Plutonium Zone in November 2017. She used her prize money to hold an activity day for school children at the University of Dundee, which you can read more about below. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply With the prize money I invited 120 children from areas near Dundee University an event called “Cell-ebration of Science”. Many divisions from the School of life sciences came together (Molecular Microbiology, Forensic Anthropology, Plant Science, Protein Phosphorylation to name just a few) to deliver a broad range of activities that ranged from messy fun to coding to ensure that all learning styles were accommodated for. There were things like learning about the bacteria that live in your tummy by making fake poo, badge making, making your genes … Continue reading

Posted on January 30, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Senga Robertson did with her prize money…

What Sanjib Bhakta did with his prize money

Sanjib was voted the winner of theĀ Drug Resistance Zone in November 2017. Here he writes about using his Ā£500 prize money to involve local school students in a research project. If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own public engagement work, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of here:Ā imascientist.org.uk/scientist-apply The main purpose of this public engagement activity was to inspire and stimulate a young generation of future scientists locally as well as to engage and enhance public awareness of antibiotic resistance and superbugs. I first created a link with St Francis Xavier 6th form College through their Biology teacher-in-charge, Ms Nimerta Virdee who was also a part-time MSc Microbiology student at Birkbeck. As a number of the young students at this college are from non-traditional and low socio-economic backgrounds, the school-based science project has helped to raise their aspirations, motivation and confidence to … Continue reading

Posted on January 16, 2019 by admin in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Sanjib Bhakta did with his prize money

What Chris Whittle did with his prize money…

Chris was voted the winner of the Reproduction Zone in 2013. I wanted to provide some resources for my local school as there were hardly any scientific books in the library (which weren’t textbooks). We had a little unveiling ceremony and the librarian was thrilled with the new materials. I did choose most of the books myself but I did get a little bit of help from her as I was concerned I would pick the wrong ones! I hope the books help future students engage with science and show that science is not only be a career but also fun, interesting and important to understand. The kids all seem to have loved the new books and I think in general it was a safe investment! If youā€™d like the chance to win funding for your own science engagement, apply for the next Iā€™m a Scientist, Get me out of … Continue reading

Posted on January 9, 2019 by in WellcomeWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Chris Whittle did with his prize money…