Orange Zone Report – May 2021

The Orange Zone took place in May 2021, funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Science and Technologies Facilities Council.

The Zone featured 29 scientists working across a wide range of fields. 865 students from 19 schools across the UK logged in. Download the Zone report to find out what they asked.

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Posted on June 17, 2021 by in 2021, RSC, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Orange Zone Report – May 2021

Pink Zone Report March 2021

The Pink Zone was a general science zone and ran from 1 to 26 March 2021, partially funded by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC). It featured 27 scientists from various fields, including five who were either funded by STFC or worked at an STFC facility. The winner of the zone was Felicity Hunter, a medical science PhD student at the University of Manchester.

864 students from 23 schools participated in the zone, with 63% of active students coming from target schools. 66 live chats were held, with an average of 5 scientists attending each chat.

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Posted on April 27, 2021 by in 2021, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Pink Zone Report March 2021

Yellow Zone Report – October 2020

The Yellow Zone ran from the 28th September – 23rd October. This Zone was the second of the I’m a Scientist: On Demand zones, which were created to allow schools to have flexibility in when, and how, they took part. The Yellow Zone was a general zone, supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC). Continue reading

Posted on November 12, 2020 by modem in 2020, STFC, Zone Reports | Tagged | Comments Off on Yellow Zone Report – October 2020

Roentgenium Zone Report – November 2019

Read the report: Roentgenium Zone Report – November 2019 [PDF] The Roentgenium Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. It featured six scientists: Varun Ramaswamy, the winner of this Zone, is a PhD student at the Institute of Cancer Research, finding the shapes of different proteins in the body and uses data from sTFC facilities. Samantha Firth is the Communications and Social Media Officer for STFC. Rebecca Shaw is a Research Technician at the University of Aberdeen at the Institute of Medical Sciences. Anna Kalorkoti is a materials scientist exploring how materials change when the world around them changes at a company that uses STFC facilities. Alin Elena works at Daresbury Laboratory as a computational scientist. Adam Washington works at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon source, building and maintaining instruments for visiting scientists to use.

Posted on January 15, 2020 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Roentgenium Zone Report – November 2019

Nuclear Zone Report – November 2019

Read the report: Nuclear Zone Report – November 2019 [PDF] The Nuclear Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. It featured six scientists: Mark Johnson, the winner of this zone, works at CERN on the ALPHA experiment, trapping individual atoms made out of antimatter. Liam Gaffney studies radioactive or unstable isotopes at CERN, to help us understand how protons and neutrons bind together. Laura Sinclair is a medical physicist specialising in nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. Kasia Clarke is a PhD student whose group uses Diamond Light Source in studying new materials for nuclear reactors to allow them to produce energy in a safer, more reliable way. Gina Parker works for a nuclear engineering company as a structural analyst making computer simulations of the cores of nuclear reactors. Felix Warren is an apprentice on a scheme run by the UK Atomic Energy Authority and … Continue reading

Posted on January 15, 2020 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Nuclear Zone Report – November 2019

Electromagnetic Zone Report – November 2019

Read the report: Electromagnetic Zone Report – November 2019 [PDF] The Electromagnetic Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. It featured six scientists: Sameed Muhammed is a research scientist at CERN, studying how matter and antimatter interact with each other. Jose Brandao-Neto works at Diamond Light Source helping researchers discover new medicinal drugs using X-rays. Joanna Barstow, the winner of this zone, uses data from spacecraft cameras to investigate the atmospheres of planets and exoplanets. Heidi Thiemann is an STFC funded PhD student researching how variable stars change over time. Freya Addison is a PhD student at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science using radar data to study clouds and insects. Chris Rink is a masters student whose group uses ISIS and Diamond to study new magnetic compounds.

Posted on January 15, 2020 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Electromagnetic Zone Report – November 2019

Space Zone Report – June 2019

Read the report: Space Zone Report – June 2019 [PDF] The Space Zone was a themed zone for primary schools supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council and NCOP schools. It featured six scientists: Nicolas Bonne studies galaxies and finds ways to allow people with sight problems to learn about space. Laurence Datrier is researching ways to find out when neutron stars collide. Emma Davies studies massive explosions from the Sun that can hit Earth. Declan Jonckers organises the design and manufacture of Multi-Layer Insulations, a ‘space blanket’ which helps to keep a spacecraft’s temperature at the right level. Bella Boulderstone, the winner in the Space Zone, tries to find the size of structures around supermassive black holes using dust as a space radar. Ali Hussain develops instruments to generate light to interact with matter in space and show its properties.

Posted on July 15, 2019 by modjosh in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Space Zone Report – June 2019

Particles Zone Report – June 2019

Read the report: Particles Zone Report – June 2019 [PDF] The Particles Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council and NCOP schools. It featured six scientists: Savannah Clawson, the winner of this zone, studies what happens when we smash particles of light together, using the ATLAS detector and LHC at CERN. Philippe Gambron uses computers to work out what happened during the first moments of the Universe. Lucy Budge is researching what happens when particles are smashed into each other at very high speeds. Joanna Huang is a PhD student learning about particles and the fundamental laws of the universe. Harrison Prosper tries to make sense of nature by colliding protons at the Large Hadron Collider. Edoardo Vescovi is a theoretical physicst developing mathmatical models to measure the forces between particles.

Posted on July 15, 2019 by modjosh in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Particles Zone Report – June 2019

Seaborgium Zone Report – March 2019

[caption id="attachment_11656" align="alignright" width="225"] Click to read.[/caption]

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The Seaborgium Zone was a general science zone supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. In the zone were six scientists:

  • Verity Fryer, a clinical scientist who analyses DNA in a hospital.
  • Sergio Adan Bermudez, a PhD student who uses lasers to research potential cancer cures.
  • Nick Werren, an STFC-funded PhD student and the winner of this zone, is a physicist who specialises in quantum biology.
  • Maria Walach, a physicist who studies the Earth’s magnetic field.
  • David Whitworth, an STFC-funded PhD student who studies dwarf galaxies.
  • Annette Raffan, a research technician who studies soil around plant roots and used Diamond Light Source for research.

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Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Seaborgium Zone Report – March 2019

Rutherfordium Zone Report – March 2019

[caption id="attachment_11656" align="alignright" width="225"] Click to read.[/caption]

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The Rutherfordium Zone was a general science zone for primary schools, supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. In the zone were six scientists:

  • Russell Arnott, the zone winner, who researches how the shape of plankton helps them survive in different environments.
  • Kathryn Boast, a Quantum Materials Outreach Officer who finds easy and fun ways to present research on different quantum materials to the public, much of which is done at Diamond Light Source and the ISIS Neutron and Muon source.
  • Jose Martinez-Gonzalez, scientist at the ISIS Neutron and Muon source who studies how water ‘dances’ on different surfaces.
  • Gabriel Gallardo, who works with the Large Hadron Collider to figure out what the universe is made of.
  • Affelia Wibisono, an STFC-funded PhD student investigating Jupiter’s x-ray northern and southern lights.
  • Adelie Gorce, an STFC-funded PhD student who uses massive telescopes to look for the birth of the universe and the very first stars.

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Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Rutherfordium Zone Report – March 2019

Nuclear Zone Report – March 2019

[caption id="attachment_11656" align="alignright" width="225"] Click to read.[/caption]

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The Nuclear Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. In the zone were six scientists:

  • Sophia Pells, the zone winner, is a nuclear physics PhD student, looking at how we can produce radioactive atoms for treating and imaging cancer, using data from CERN.
  • Sarah O’Sullivan, a PhD student trying to make new uranium compounds by heating existing ones.
  • Meirin Oan Evans, PhD Student funded by STFC who uses data from a detector to find out what happens when high energy particles are smashed together.
  • George Fulton, a scientist at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, who tests materials under the extreme conditions in a nuclear fusion reactor.
  • Emily Lewis, an STFC computer scientist at Harwell who makes models of different nuclear reactor designs to find out how they behave.
  • Andy Buckley who researches particle physics and predicts the outcomes of colliding super-high-energy protons together in the Large Hadron Collider.

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Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Nuclear Zone Report – March 2019

Imaging Zone Report – March 2019

[caption id="attachment_11656" align="alignright" width="225"] Click to read.[/caption]

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The Imaging Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. There were six scientists in the zone:

  • Sonal Bhadane, a clinical expert in a company that makes radiation therapy machines and that works with STFC.
  • Zone winner Rosanna Tilbrook is an STFC-funded PhD student at the University of Leicester and is looking for new planets in the Next Generation Transit Survey.
  • Matthew Selwood, who is studying for an STFC-funded PhD making a new camera that can see through walls, detect contraband and see inside nuclear explosions.
  • Marleen Wilde, a medical technical assistant and part time PhD student at the University of Reading who does experiments at STFC facilities.
  • Dan Porter, who works at Diamond Light Source as a beamline scientist.
  • Atreya Acharyya, who uses data from NASA satellites to make predictions for new telescopes funded by STFC in Chile.

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Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Imaging Zone Report – March 2019

Dubnium Zone Report – March 2019

[caption id="attachment_11656" align="alignright" width="225"] Click to read.[/caption]

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The Dubnium Zone was a general science zone supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council. In the zone were six scientists:

  • Tori Blakeman, who informs the public about the science innovation happening at STFC.
  • itus Mutwiri, who teaches at the Kenya Methodist University and does research for the International Livestock Research Institute.
  • Stuart Higgins, the zone winner and whose research group uses Diamond Light Source, is trying to understand how stem cells ‘feel’ and how those cells change.
  • Hannah Dalgleish, who studies star clusters to gain clues about how the galaxy formed and how stars evolve and whose research institute is funded by STFC.
  • Gill Harrison, who teaches obstetrics, abdominal and gynaecology ultrasound.
  • Alessandro Novellino, who works at the British Geological Survey.

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Posted on April 16, 2019 by modemily in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Dubnium Zone Report – March 2019